Jenny Sun

Hello, Jenny here!

Having a background in filmmaking, I see every experience as a story. A good story relates to people and sparks emotions, so does a good experience! In user experience design, I strive to create meaningful interactions that not only solve problems but spark joy.

In the world of storytelling, the protagonist’s journey entails four highlights - needs/wants, confrontation, conflicts, and resolution. It can also be translated into my design process - user needs discovery, design exploration, testing and iteration, and solution. A little fun fact, one of my favorite films, Run Lola Run, can best represent my design process. The film depicts three alternatives of the same event, and each scenario ends differently depending on what Lola encounters along her journey. It iterates! :)

My experience in making portrait documentaries has also trained me well on performing deep listening and always designing with users in mind. I love digging out users’ stories and their thoughts. One thing I enjoy about design is that it helps me discover so many things about life and living, and I'm able to look at one thing from different aspects. I aspire to keep learning and bringing more simplicity and joy to people through my design!

|   Projects I'm working on now — Stay tuned!

1.   Gameday VR/MR - User Experience/User Interface Designer
Part of the multidisciplinary design program at UM Engineering College, this 1-year-long project is about bringing real-time (our end goal!) VR experience of sport events to kids at Mott Children Hospital. I am working with a group of brilliant women engineers and another designer to build this exciting technology. This project is mentored by Dr. David Chesney and the VR headsets are sponsored by Microsoft.

2.   Integrated Product Development - User Experience Designer
I am working with a group of students from business, design, and information school to build a physical product that fosters healthy habits for pre-adolescent children.

3.   360 Spatial Audio Challenge by Facebook - Team Captain
Starting from Jan 24 2019, I will be leading a team to work on producing spatial audio in 360 environments. This is an exciting opportunity for me because I used to work on sound design and mixing for films. Sound in UX/Interaction design is an area that I always want to explore! I am also looking forward to applying the skills I will learn in this challenge to my Gameday VR project. This challenge will last 4 weeks.

|   Film Portfolio

Check out my film portfolio here.

|   Join My Journey